

"Money is the barometer of a society's virtue. When you see that trading
is done, not by consent, but by compulsion -when you see that in order to
produce, you need to obtain permission from men who produce nothing -
when you see that money is flowing to those that deal, not in goods, but
in favors - when you see that men get richer by graft and pull tan by work,
and your laws don't protect you against them, but protect them against
you; when you see corruption being rewarded and honesty becoming self
- sacrifice - you may know that your society is doomed."
-- Ayn Rand [from "Capitalism: The Unknown Ideal"]

Refreshing to hear the sounds of freedom, by an assembly of citizens,
fulfilling the promise of the Constitution. These are the actions that do
create change and promotes open discussion. We are lucky to have this
much of our shredded rights, the Constitution guarantees us all.
Although now it is pretty much VOID and prohibited by law!
How long does this draconian Orwellian times drapes out the light of
our own common sense.
Most of the masses have thrown up their hands out of shear because of
desperation and are silent, only due to one's placement on the tread mill
of material needs and addiction to materialism. "Keep up with the Jones"
was a well known cliche' in the late Sixties.
But now, it is not an old saying, more over an embedded part of our human
contemporary existence. A song by the Bob Marley's band the Wailers
after his untimely passing is titled "Sweet Cry Freedom". The song begins
with the roaring ocean, waves crashing on the shore and a man voicing
out his questions of frustrations against the turmoil around him and with-
in himself. He painfully asks, what is binding me to so much suffering?
The answer that chorus back to him is that he is in pain because of or due
to his needs! Systematic oppression is essentially based on our need to
eat, have shelter and employment. It is true that these are needs, yet
it is more due to our systems controllers, who feed us images, tools and
toys, shelves of foods and groceries filled with "choices" that are not very
healthy and foods available to us that are NOT EVEN TESTED for safety.
Artificial foods and the controlled inability to have nutrition for one's Body
and Spirit. Manipulation of food, environment, jobs and life styles is the
prescribed manner of operation by our a government today.
Think, it's Not Illegal Yet! Find your place on this Earth! Break down this
form of systematic isolation which contributes to the downfall of Life and
Hope. You know that we have been sold this illusion of control for the sole
benefit of the dominator. Gosh, don't they work for us?
No, not really, the term "citizen" is us and the term the "people" is the
exclusive property of the government. Strange isn't it! That which we say
represents us, is unrecognizable and so far out of touch with the initial
understandings. They are presently over-standing on the rights of every
individual and our common ability to alter this tract of control.
It is high time to not think as much on "I" and dwell more on emphasize
of "WE". For We are many, they are the few!
This government today is a lethal reminder of the treatment of Indigenous
Native America. The War on Iraq is the parallel portal to those times.
Times do repeat the lessons we don't learn. Indian people were rounded
up off their own lands and placed on reservations, given anthrax laden
provisions, rotten food and blankets that contained smallpox.
Railroads served not only as transportation on this coast to coast land grab,
but also cut the Buffalo routes and bisected Sacred areas in order to starve
the actual residents out of their Ancestors lands.
The object was to bring in steer and other controllable livestock (it is very
hard to build a fence that Buffalo could not easily knock down).
These systematic techniques, along with eliminating Indian languages and
the cultural basis were accomplished via the use of imposing "civilization" in
the form of eliminating all but government sanctioned Spiritual practices,
Oral traditions and any way of culture integrity through the use of Christian
schools and programmed indoctrination.
Today we are all subjected to these same circumstances. It is truly ironic
that the basis of even our government is the Constitution. This was a gifted
way offered by the Six Nations or as you may have been taught the Iroquois
Confederacy. This dichotomy is very hard to over look. Just ask yourself where
was the practice of democracy any where else on Earth?
The Euro-peons where keep enslaved to a feudal system of control, that was
literally conferred by birth. The foods and lives of people under these systems
was one of total control. One could not hunt and eat a deer without the rulers
permission. This applied to finding honey in the forest, this to was also a no
no for not alerting the royal "lucky sperm club". Even females were considered
property of the "titled" blue bloods!
My feelings are the earliest arrivals where not unlike a starving dog whose
chain collar had been taken off. Those who came to Turtle Island could only
mimic the controllers who had used a conditioned response programming very
similar to the "Stockholm Syndrome". By the way, this style of psychological
conditioning was used by Patty Hearst defense team in her trial. So the first
colonist coming over copied their own conditioning by playing out this horrid
practice in order to drive out the indigenous population that fed and helped
them. Figure it out, they wanted to be "kings" and "barons" of these lands.
Thanks to our educators, we are not taught a truthful account of history of
the united states of America. Otherwise very few would play the game as it
is enforced by the dominator.
Nice to see and hear the sounds of those gathered in San Francisco near
the foundation of the League of Nations in front of city hall today. Nice to
hear the crys for Freedom from those eloquent grassroots speakers in the
capitol city of Washington D.C. this morning. Nice to hear the beginning of
Change and the Sweet Cry of Freedom.
Encouraging what the Indian People of Bolivia accomplished, just last week
or the great drum beat of the Indians of Chiapas. Across the Great Waters
the "new" countries of eastern Europe all the way back to Tiananmen Square
Protest. Freedom is not Dead, it is a living way of being.
When Will the People Get Up and Stand Up for their Rights?
Before we keep repeating the lessons this nation has been taught, before we
end up being herded onto reservations and missions (prison camps), let us
stop this imprisoning system from placing Us All in Reservation U.S.A.
There is No Time like NOW!
He who dies with the most toys...
won't be able to carry them on with them,
Death will see to that...

We Are = One Heart = One Mind = One People = One Earth =

"That is what this is all about. It is war. A war against humanity.
The globalization of those who are above us is nothing more than
a global machine that feeds on blood and defecates in dollars."
-- Subcomandante Marcos, EZLN, 10 September 2003